Numpy is a Python library similar to Matlab It enables to work with multi-dimensional array without use of loops what is very important since in Python, using loops for processing objects like images is very slow. numpy is typically imported into Python as follows: import numpy as np numpy array can be created from analogical structure of Python lists and specified type: a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]],np.float32) a print(a) and can be indexes as array a[0,1] a[-1,-1] row can be accessed by a[1] column a[:,1] dimensions can be got a.shape number of rows is a.shape[0] number of columns is a.shape[1] each array has a type (, np.uint8, np.float32) a.dtype and the type can be modified: b = np.asarray(a, b b = a.astype( b array can be created also from array c = np.array([a,b,b]) c array can be reshaped d = a.reshape((1,4,1)) d the easiest reshape is flattening d = np.reshape(a,-1) d expand dimension np.expand_dims(a,axis=2) array can be created from zeros, ones, ones on diagonal, np.zeros((3,3),np.float) np.ones((3,3), np.eye(3) from a constant np.full((3,3),3) as a sequence v = np.arange(5) randomly np.random.uniform(0,1,(3,3)) sharing of array b = a b[0,0]=0 a[0,0] copy of array b = np.copy(a) or b = a.copy() b[1,1]=1 a[1,1] add, subtract, multiply, divide by constant c = a + 2 c = a - 2 c = a * 2 c = a / 2 square each item a ** 2 np.power(a,2) exponential 2 ** a np.exp(a*np.log(2)) binary logarithm np.log(a) / np.log(2) logarithm from 0 is -inf add, subtract, multiply, divide by array c = a + b c = a - b c = a * b c = a / b division by zero is nan boolean arrays a > 1 values = a[a > 1] b[a == 2] = 4 replace of nan by zero c[c!=c]=0 scalar multiplication,v) transposition v = np.array([v]) v v.T np.transpose(v) matrix multiplication v @ v.T v.T @ v a @ a,a) np.matmul(a,a) maximum, minimum np.max(a) np.min(a) maximum in rows np.max(a,axis=1) maximum in columns np.max(a,axis=0) index of maximum np.argmax(a,axis=0) sum a.sum() np.sum(a) average v.mean() np.mean(v) deviation v.std() normalization (v-v.mean())/v.std() matrix rotation np.roll(a,1,axis=0) apply boundary or low and high values np.clip(a,1,2) concatenation np.concatenate((a,a), axis=0) np.hstack((a,a)) np.vstack((a,a)) stack np.array([a,a]) numpy has many parts: linalg (linear algebra), fft (Furier transform), ... e.g. norm of vector is np.linalg.norm(v) opencv (cv2) is python library for computer vision gray image is represented as 2D numpy array (rows,columns) gray = cv2.imread("filename.png",cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) color image is represented as 3D numpy arrays (rows,columns,channels) bgr = cv2.imread("filename.png",cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) image can be shown by cv2.imshow('title',bgr) cv2.waitKey(0)